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A school subscription will include full website access for your teachers and families.

It includes audio recordings and page-by-page translations of 50 Coeden Ddarllen Rhydychen books, Project X, and Dysgu Gyda Sam (with more reading books and levels to come) and resources that are compatible with many other reading schemes, for example Tric a Clic.

Teachers can set and send home handy links for word lists, reading books and High Frequency Words that can be accessed at home. 


It also includes the opportunity to submit requests for us to make any resources for your school.

We will do anything we can to help your school meet criteria set out in the Siarter Iaith by encouraging the use of the Welsh language in the home and fostering the active engagement of parents and carers with the Welsh language.

Teacher and Pupil
School Intro Offer
  • Try it out

    School Intro Offer

    Valid for 12 months
    • Special one time offer
    • Full access for teachers and parents
    • For use in the classroom and at home
    • Request tailored resources to your suit your school

Why subscribe to Welsh Reading for Parents? 

Provide accessible resources

Offer parents a convenient online platform that includes videos, audio recordings, translations and useful links.

Siarter iaith

Help your school meet criteria set out in the Siarter Iaith by encouraging the use of Welsh in the home and fostering the active engagement of parents and carers with the Welsh language. 

Boost Educational outcomes

Help children succeed in school by providing practical tools for parents and carers to support reading at home.  

enhance communication

Enhance communication between home and school by giving parents a handy portal that contains vocabulary, books and materials studied at school.

Teacher, Primary English Medium

"I think it's fabulous, so comprehensive. I would definately use it."

Parent, Welsh Medium Primary

"Oh my goodness, this is excellent. I wish this had been available when my older two were small."

Headmaster, Primary English Medium

“I think it would be a great help to our school and parents.”
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